Doctor of Philosophy Programme (DMS)

PhD Advertisement for Autumn Semester 2025 (DMS)

Applications are invited from motivated candidates to pursue research in the broad fields of Mathematics and Statistics.

Detailed PhD advertisement:Click Here

Please take a note of the following points:

  • Before filling the application forms, please read the general instructions and FAQ. For additional query email us at: AT
  • Fulfilling the minimum eligibility criteria does not ensure that a candidate will be called for the interview.
  • A candidate must fill up the form carefully as additional short-listing criteria will be set based on academic records, experience and statement of purpose of the candidates as provided in the application form.
  • The candidates will be allowed to appear at the interview only after proper verification of documents.
  • An online/telephonic conversation or written test may precede the interview for further short-listing and candidates will be informed about the Date, time and further details accordingly.
  • Reservations for SC/ST/OBC-NCL etc. candidates are applicable as per Government of India rules.