Master of Science Advertisement for Autumn Semester 2025 (DMS)
IISER Kolkata invites applications from motivated students for admission to the Master of Science in Mathematics for Autumn 2025. This programme comprises two years of Masters-level coursework.
Eligibility: Students with a B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech. or an equivalent degree from any recognized University/Institute/College with Mathematics as one of the subjects can apply. Admission, however, will be subject to completion of all formalities, as described below, in 'Selection Process'.
Minimum Qualifying marks: Candidates need to secure a minimum of 55% marks/equivalent grades (50% for SC/ST candidates as per Central Government relaxation policy) in aggregate. Those who are appearing in the final examination of their degree course can also apply; for them, the eligibility marks are 55% (50% for SC/ST candidates) based on the marks obtained in the undergraduate examinations held till the date of submission of the application form. Candidates must produce the final marksheet of their Bachelor’s degree to the Academic Office within 60 days of their admission and having secured the minimum qualifying marks/equivalent grades in aggregate. If one finally does not obtain the minimum qualifying marks/grades, then the studentship will stand cancelled.
Note: JAM-Mathematics is not essential for applying for M.Sc. in Mathematics.
Reservation Policy: Reservations for candidates will be as per Govt. of India norms.
Selection Process:
MSc-Mathematics Entrance Test (subjective-3 hours) will be held at IISER Kolkata (Refer to Syllabus). The Institute will declare the list of selected candidates on the Institute website. Candidates must produce the final marksheet of their B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech degree to the Academic Office within 60 days of their admission and having secured a minimum of 55% of marks/equivalent grades in aggregate. If one finally does not obtain 55% marks in B.Sc./B.E./B.Tech, then the studentship will stand cancelled.
Previous years' entrance exam papers: Click Here
Important Dates :
Application portal opens : 11th March 2025
Application portal closes : 14th May 2025
Publication of Shortlist for Entrance Test : 22nd May 2025
Entrance Test : 15th June 2025
Publication of Entrance Test result : 30th June 2025
Pre registration portal opens : 4th July 2025
Registration : 28th July 2025
How to apply: The applicants should open the link at the bottom of this page (Submit New Application) and properly fill the application form as instructed and submit it. Applicants should save the properly filled application form and take a print out. This will serve as the hard copy of the application.
Documents required:
Documents required to appear in the entrance test.
Candidates should bring the following documents:
1. A hard copy of the application
2. A proof of identity along with a print out of the same to appear for the test. Aadhaar card or voter ID card may serve as a valid document.
Documents required at the time of admission:
Candidates selected should bring the following documents (photocopy along with originals) at the time of admission:
1. Self-attested copies of mark sheets and certificates of all examinations starting from secondary examination.
2. Photo identity
3. Proof of age
Syllabus for the Entrance Test
1. Analysis:Sequence and series of real numbers, continuity and differentiability of real valued functions of one variable and applications, sequence and series of functions, Riemann integration, improper integrals, metric spaces.
2. Algebra:
(a) Set Theory: Sets, relations, functions, countable & uncountable sets.
(b) Group Theory: Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, homomorphisms, Lagrange's theorem,
normal subgroups, permutation groups, quotient groups, isomorphism theorems and their applications.
(c) Linear Algebra:Vector spaces, subspaces, linear independence, dimension; linear
transformations, matrices, determinant, rank-nullity theorem, solution of linear system of
equations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, diagonalizability, inner product spaces.